Regular Attendance and Punctuality
Daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education. Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:50am to maximise learning and minimise disruption to classes. Lessons start promptly at 9:00am. Attendance rolls are marked daily on Sentral at this time. Student supervision in the school yard commences at 8:30am, we do not encourage students to arrive before this time. If your child is going to be late or absent for any reason, a phone call to the school is required. It is important for families to keep the school informed of any changes to their contact details (especially mobile phone numbers) to allow us to make contact in case of an emergency.
The Department of Education and Training (DET) require parental notification of any student absence. This can be done through the Sentral Parent Portal (preferred method), by note, phone call or in person. Parents should inform the school of their child/ren’s absence and provide a reason either prior to or on the morning of the absence.
Illness or Emergency
Children who are too ill to attend school should be kept at home as we do not have adequate Sick Bay facilities for day long care of sick children. Unfortunately, there will be times when children become ill or are involved in an accident at school. Should this happen, every attempt will be made to contact parents/carer or emergency contact numbers listed on your child’s enrolment form. Please inform the school of any changes to contact details should they occur. People listed as emergency contacts need to be able to collect your child if we are unable to contact you, especially if your child is unwell.
We understand that children may need to return to school prior to completing a course of medication. If your child needs medication during school hours parents are required to complete a medication instructions form available at the school office. We are unable to administer paracetemol to children without prior written parental permission.
Asthma Management
Parents with children suffering from asthma are required to have an “Asthma Management Plan” prepared in consultation with their family doctor. On request, forms for developing these plans will be sent home for completion.
Allergy Management
Students who have severe allergies that may result in an extreme allergic reaction will have an “Allergy Management Plan” prepared in consultation with their family doctor. On request, forms for developing these plans will be sent home for completion. All staff members attend Anaphylaxis training on a regular basis. We ask that all families be mindful of allergic reactions when preparing lunches/snacks for their child.
Indemnity Forms
These forms, which are a requirement of the Department of Education and Training (DET), are used when children leave the school grounds for sport, swimming lessons, excursions, camps and social service activities. Parents need to sign the form to give the person in charge of the children authority to arrange for medical assistance should it be required when the parents cannot be contacted.
Duration of Enrolment Permission Form
This form is included with the enrolment form. Parents are required to complete the form which gives the school permission to involve your child in walking excursions, bus travel, media activities, DVD permission and for the school to undertake head lice checks.
Birth Certificate/Immunisation Certificate
Your child’s birth certificate must be presented to school as evidence of the date of birth of the child being enrolled. The original will be photocopied and returned. The school must also be presented with documentation stating that required immunisations have been completed.
Leaving School Early
Parents wishing to take their children from school early should seek prior permission, preferably by note. Children leaving school at a time other than normal dismissal times must be released into the care of an adult. We ask parents to sign the Student Absence Register located at the front counter of the office.
Leaving School Grounds
Under no circumstances are students permitted to leave the school without permission. Requests must be made by parents. If a child is ill, he/she must report to a teacher. Parents collecting students early are asked to sign out their children at the office.
Curriculum Contributions/Parent Payments
The State Government provides funding to schools each year, which covers items such as staff salaries, furniture, computers, utilities (gas, electricity and water), buildings and maintenance. Additionally, parents/guardians are required to pay for classroom materials (curriculum contributions) at the beginning of each school year. All children are supplied with materials purchased in bulk through the school. The bulk purchase of goods allows the school to keep costs to parents/guardians to a minimum. Excursions, incursions, camps, swimming and programs provided by visiting artists are user pays activities and parents/guardians will be invoiced for these as they occur throughout the year.
School Notices, Newsletters & Sentral Parent Portal
Newsletters are published twice per term and are available on the Sentral Parent Portal. Newsletters are a vital communication tool between school and home. Printed copies are available in the foyer. The school also uses the Sentral Parent Portal for other messages to families as required.
Concerns / Celebrations
It cannot be emphasised strongly enough, that when you are concerned about anything, you should contact the Principal immediately. We want parents to feel free to discuss any matters relating to their children’s education at any time, as we all wish the school to operate as efficiently as possible. Sometimes the only way we can be aware of an issue is for you to inform us. The sooner the matter is discussed, the sooner a solution can be found.We would also love to hear when things are going well, so we can celebrate together.
Program For Students With Disabilities
Integration of any child with an impairment or disability is enhanced by specialist staff and the development of strong home-school partnerships.
School Medical Service
Each year the School Medical Services staff will conduct their annual Prep Health Screening Program. Referral of older students can be arranged. Further information will be available prior to the date of the School Medical Service visit.
A whole school assembly is held in ‘The Shed’ each Friday at 9.00am. All parents and interested community members are welcome to attend. Our Grade 6 leaders play an integral role in the organisation and running of assembly. Assembly provides a great opportunity for our school community to come together and for students to showcase their achievements.
Pupil Free Days
The Department of Education and Training (DET) grant schools four pupil free days per year to enable staff to review curriculum, report to parents or participate in professional development. The School Council approves the dates for the year. The school is closed to children on these days. Parents will be notified in advance, via the newsletter to enable child care arrangements to be made.
Assessment and Reporting and Parent/Teacher Interviews
Work samples for all children are sent via Seesaw. Parent information and “Get to know you” meetings are held in Term 1. A more formal parent/teacher meeting is held during Term 3 for all students to follow up on the written academic report distributed at the end of Term 2. A final written academic report is issued at the end of Term 4.
Parents are encouraged to discuss their child’s progress and development with staff. If at any time you have a concern, please contact the administration staff to arrange a suitable time to meet with the class teacher, as before and after school duty and meetings may make it difficult for teachers to give you adequate attention without notice.
Personal Property/Electronic Devices
We do not encourage children to bring valuable items to school as they may be lost or broken. The Department of Education and Training (DET) does not insure such goods and will not be held liable for any loss or damage. Mobile phones are not permitted at school. Should a student need to have a phone or electronic device for before or after school use, they are required to store it at the office.
Names on Property
Please label your child’s items of uniform, clothing and belongings clearly and permanently. Tracing ownership can be an impossible task if articles are not clearly labelled. An identifying sign or mark is not sufficient to trace ownership.
All pupils attend the library each week and have the opportunity to borrow library books for use at school and at home. To protect books, children are expected to have a library bag. Please ensure that your child’s library bag is named and kept clean. Misplaced or damaged books must be either paid for or replaced.
Children eat their lunch inside the classroom with teacher supervision. A local business provides a lunch ordering service to our school on a daily basis, which incorporates the School Council approved healthy option menu. In addition, Hot Lunch Friday is held during Term 2 and Term 3 to provide a special choice on these days.
Children wishing to buy lunches may place their order in the boxes provided and their orders will be delivered at lunchtime. Price lists are included on the newsletter at the beginning of each term. Chewing gum, lollies and ‘fizzy’ drinks are not permitted at school.