School Profile

Hamilton North Primary School is situated in a semi-rural setting on the outskirts of Hamilton.  The classrooms and buildings are set in extensive gardens and grounds which provide attractive areas for active and passive play.

The student population of the school is 214 and is drawn from the immediate locality, the wider Hamilton community and outlying rural areas. Students travel to school by private car, bike or by using the bus services for country and town areas.

In 2024 our 162 students are arranged into 8 classes – two Foundation classes, one Grade 1 class, One Grade 2 class, two Grade 3/4 classes and two Grade 5/6 classes.  Students participate in weekly 1 hour sessions in Art, Music and PE, with  additional time each semester for Sport, along with our Positive Ed classes.  Students also learn a Language (Indonesian).

Staffing consists of the Principal and 12 teaching staff. The school has a Business Manager, an Administration/Buildings & Grounds Manager, five integration aides and a part-time IT technician.

Our curriculum has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy. Classroom teaching is explicit and focussed upon individual student improvement. Teachers routinely collect and interpret student assessment data to construct learning tasks directed at the students’ point of need in reading, writing, and numeracy.

All students are involved in sporting and swimming programs, camps and excursions and music/drama performances. Opportunities are also available for leadership development through student representation on Junior School Council and the Green Team (Grades 3-6), School and House Captains (Grade 6) and leading Student Assemblies (Grades 5-6). All students from Foundation to Grade 6 will have regular opportunities to present their work and speak at assembly.

Hamilton North Primary School has a restorative approach to student discipline and wellbeing.  Restorative Practice is based upon building and restoring positive relationships and has been successfully embedded across our whole school.  The quality of relationships that have been developed through the provision of a caring and supportive learning environment gives our school a calm, orderly and positive atmosphere for children and staff. The school also has highly skilled staff available to support students’ wellbeing.