School Activities

Camps and Excursions

Camps and excursions are a vital component of the school curriculum. Teachers plan excursions to support and extend classroom programs. The school camping program allows for children to participate in either school based activities for Prep, grade 1 and grade 2 and offsite camps for grades three to six.

Cultural Performances/Art Show/Music Performance

Students will be able to attend Performing Arts presentations throughout the year. These may be held at school or at another local venue, e.g. the Performing Arts Centre. Parents/guardians will be advised of costs as they become known.

All students  participate in the Art Show and Music Performance. These are held on alternate years. The Art Show is an opportunity to showcase students’ art work and is held at school with work displayed in the multi-purpose shed. The Music Performance is held at the Hamilton Performing Arts Centre and all students perform with their grade. It is also an opportunity for the school choir to perform. Both these events are a wonderful expression of our students’ abilities.


All interested students in grades 3 – 6 are invited to audition for a place in the school choir. Successful students must make a full commitment for the whole school year and will have opportunities to perform for events such as Eisteddfod, school concert, school assemblies and the St. Mary’s Christmas festival.


All children are offered the opportunity to participate in a two-week intensive swimming program at the Hamilton Indoor Leisure Aquatic Centre. Children are taught by AustSwim trained instructors in small groups. Bus fares, pool admittance and fees for accredited swimming instructors are paid for by parents prior to students participating in the program.

Extra-Curricular and Additional Programs

Some children will participate in various extra-curricular events throughout the year (e.g. special sporting events). These events are considered optional education items, and are provided on a user-pays basis. Information (including costs) will be sent home prior to the activity and payment must be made before attending.


All students at Hamilton North are placed in a “house” for sporting competitions. The two houses, Scott and Payne, are named after two former well known Hamilton North identities. Both were foundation members of the Mother’s Club in 1928. SCOTT house colour is yellow whilst PAYNE house colour is red.